Friday, April 15, 2005

The Plight of Immigrants in Canada

Oh well, thousands of skilled Immigrants had come to Canada on a false belief that this country is a country with so much opportunity. The truth of the matter is, this country's people perfectly represents the kind of climate it has, COLD and unforgiving.
Most skilled immigrants in this country ends up accepting menial jobs to survive. Canada never tells prospective immigrants what the reality is here. They proud themselves on UN report as one of the best countries in the world to live, that is, if you got millions of dollars when you come here. Skilled immigrants are not given a fair chance to advance especially if you are employed in a "white" majority company. The govt. encourages you to go to school, borrow money and then you'll end up paying for that loan the rest of your life. Diplomas, certificate don't mean a thing if you don't have a Canadiam accent, or if you are not white.
There is this atmosphere of superiority among the whites in this country reminiscent of the Apartheid years in South Africa.
This country had always been a springboard for people who wants to settle in the US.
If this kind of prevailing atmosphere is continously tolerated, more and more immigrants will be deceived and duped to come to a country that has actually nothing to offer othen than misery and frustration.


Blogger Jadeye said...

Your point is well taken Tessa. However, you seemed to fail to notice that what I am trying to give these "racist" Canadians are a dose of their own medicine. This is not stereotyping unless you are "white" and that you feel that you belong to that specific group of "Canadians" I am talking about.
Just as Canadians call Americans all kinds of names, how do you categorize that kind of mentality then?
Most Canadians think and act like they are a superior race without even accepting the fact that this country is solely dependent on the US for it's economy. Once the US govt. decides to permanently close it's border, I just wonder what will happen to this country and it's mostly arrogant and racist citizens.

7:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Racism against minorities and immigrants is a sad reality in this country and it was illustrated most recently with the death of an Edmonton cab driver. Hassan Yussuf was found in the trunk of his Yellow Cab.

He had two university degrees and was working to support his large family. Is it not enough to marginalize minorities and immigrants, but now you have to kill them for $20 and pocket change? Where is this so-called no. 1 U.N. country in the world now?

And oh, his employer didn't even report the man missing until days later. That's despite his friend calling and telling them that Hassan had not come home.


8:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Yusuf Hassan was a typical immigrant in Canada. Two university degrees get you a cabbie job in Canada, that is if you don't lose your soul and in Mr.Yusuf's case, your life in this cold and unreceptive country.

The superiority whites have in this country over the non-whites isn't exactly the biggest problem, it's amongst a host of soul destroying factors people face every day here.

There's been a growing trend in which immigrant kids have become alcoholics and drug addicts in recent years as they reach high school. The realities of life in Canada settle in.

This is an unfortunate country.

10:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

great web site!

2:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All truth and reality are mentioned here. Why Canadian government is attracting so many high skilled immigrants with false information?It is sad that new comers are working in low category jobs even with high qualification. facing racism and all kinds of problem I am also a immigrant and suffering the same so can understand all these very well. If you see the reality of white people life, they have no family life like what we have. A warm and hearty support to each other in family, friends and neighbor where as these white have grown up either with step mother or father and step siblings and all kind of issues where they have no high moral at all. It is in their blood to cut others to get a penny for them. they have no happy life at all and can not see others to have a happy life even they are in struggling mode. These white are causing many problems to immigrants just to take revenge of their sad life.

1:15 PM  

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