Sunday, April 24, 2005

Have you noticed?

Have you noticed that at work, especially in British Columbia and most part of this country, the public work systems are composed of mostly " white" people?
Have you noticed that most flaggers are white?
Have you noticed that in public schools, most teachers and staff are white, while 85-90% of the students are colored?
Have you noticed that there are restaurants here in BC without a single minority employee in it?
Have you noticed that most low paying jobs have natives or immigrants as employees?
Have you noticed that most public transportation employees such as bus drivers and dock/ferry employees are white, while taxi cab drivers are mostly minorities?
Have you noticed that this kind of sorrounding/environment psychologically tell you that you are inferior to the "whites" of this country?
Have you noticed the shortage of skilled workers in this country, but in reality almost 85% of coming immigrants are skilled and professional workers in their homeland.
Have you noticed the inequality, the racism and discrimination?
Have you noticed that in your office/workplace, the management position usually ends up being run by whites?
Have you noticed that this so called " superior race" can't even spell correctly or knows almost nothing about world history?
Have you noticed that Dr.s' and nurses are constantly on trek to the United States of America that is why we have a shortage of them here?
Have you noticed that ICBC, a govt. Insurance company is also empowered to issue and revoke drivers licenses as well as hire off duty RCMP's to issue traffic violations. Contrary to its name and nature of business. Have you noticed the insult this govt. is doing to all of us with that practice and we choose to be mum about it?
Have you noticed the ever changing price of gasoline at the pump (aka price gouging) and we also choose to remain silent. Another insult to everyone's comprehension and intellect.
Have you noticed these things at all?

We brought these misfortune to ourselves. By being quiet, passive and enduring, we are continously abused and degraded on a day to day basis in this country.
It is not true that we as immigrants, do not want to be teachers, to be manhole inspectors or road pavers, thousands of Doctors, Nurses, Engineers, Accountant etc. have landed in this country but we are constantly discriminated whenever we apply for such positions and this govt. do not even blink an eye about it.
Clearly, there is no equality in this country, and that needs to be changed.
We cannot argue and cry everyday without doing anything. We have to work together as one in order to bring about a change.

Lastly, Provincial election is looming in our provinces. Please be active if you are already a citizen. Encourage minorities to run for position as mayors and councilmen and rally behind them. This is the first important step in bringing about changes.
I challenge each and everyone of you, fight for your RIGHTS and fight for the future of your kids in this country!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm doing my part by buying as little as I can. By not contributing to my oppressors' success. I don't attend events, I don't display the Canadian flag, I don't hide the fact that I don't like the country from them when they're stupid enough to approach me and ask the stupid questions most of us have become familiar with: "So you must love Canada eh? It's a great country eh? Best country in the world eh?!" I don't plan to have kids in this country (knowing what they'll face and what I've been through I would never want my kid to experience the horrific racism and live like a second class to ignorant people). I simply don't care about this country because it's not my country and it'll never be. If any of you expect a miracle keep waiting and before you know it you'll end up living like the Natives of this country.

In Canada, if you're not white you're supposed to smile for the white person and agree with his/her stupid and ignorant thoughts and ideas - usually about hockey, beer and how Canada is the best country in the world. Then they go to their nice home and drive their nice cars while you end up going to some depressed area with drugs, voilence etc.

My time will come when I'll move out. I agree with them when they say "if you don't like it, get out!"

12:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

after living in this country for years i have one question? WHERE DO THESE PEOPLE GET THE AUDACITY TO CLAIM THAT THEY ARE "NICE?"

canadians are the worst people i have ever come across and word racists!

2:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's true...discrimination is on top in this country. I am qualified and got a full time job in IT department because of my qualification and experience. But one lady, who was a school quieter in her time was a neighbor of my boss and she needs the job as she was laid off in her old company. My boss tried to pushed me out by harassing me so much because i am non white and now this white lady needs the job. I was fired from the job without giving any reason and in that decision top to bottom all white management was supporting.

5:52 AM  

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