Wednesday, May 18, 2005


Don't be fooled by what you read about Canada. This country will not offer you anything other than frustration, discrimination and depression.
This country is a BIG BIG Fraud.

Nothing about what it says is even closer to the truth and reality ofwhat it is like living in here.
For those prospective Immigrants, consider your options, and search before even considering this country. You are better off migrating to Europe, USA and even Australia.

I am not posting to discourage anybody. I am posting what the truth is all about Canada. The Ultimate choice is still with you should you prefer to come and try your luck in this country.
But before doing so, I sincerely hope that you will look at your kids and consider their future should you decide to go ahead.

For those Professionals out there, consider USA or other countries first, before even making the decision to come to this cold Tundra up North.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


this site is excellent.

I wanted to point out one incredible thing that is the reality of Canada.

It is a nation filled with minorities, YET the power that be are mostly all white.

Ontario for example is the most multicultural province in Canada.

43 % (YES, FORTY THREE PERCENT) of the Greater Toronto Area are visibile minorities.

YET ALMOST ALL the Government officials are white.

Take a look:

Ontario Government


Members of Parliament

AMAZING! Yet it continues. I encourage you all to look carefully through those websites so that I can give you an idea of why minorities and immigrants in Canada are being relegated to either unemployement, welfare or the worst labor jobs.

Asad Raza

11:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


My name is Aden and I would like to say that this is a great site and you are doing great job.

It's our duty to warn others of the deceit that is Canada. We are suffering because we have been lied to, they wanted cheap labor and we were told we'd have better life here when in fact it's worse for us here than it is in some third world countries. That is to say we don't experience chronic racism in those countries perpetuated by ignorant and clueless people - nevermind the horrible weather and the poverty.

I came here as a kid and basically grew up here. I have tremendous skills and I am very hard working person but it simply does not matter if you're not white in Canada.

The depression, frustration, anger, poverty, racism, bigotry, among others, are all shared by the visible minorities across this sad land.

The superiority whites display towards you (minority) is not limited to the lingering, and hostile looks you get as you walk down the street but is much more destructive in a sense that you won't get any opportunity to utilize your talent/skills. It varies from housing discrimination to jobs and everything else.

We're considered second-class by people with no respect and lack understanding of the world around them.

Toronto is not "diverse" because people from all over the world ironically fell in love with that one particular city. It is the way it is because this isn't a country in which people can assimilate in. They have to find someone from their own country to be friends with.

Best wishes.

1:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

too many people have been fooled already!


2:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

New film 'Night Shift' shows plight of immigrants!

Canadian Broadcast Premiere of The Night Shift
A Documentary Film by Adamic Media

In Canada we used to complain of a brain drain to the United States. Today we suffer from a massive case of brain hemorrhaging. Foreign trained professionals often languish in dead-end jobs after having been told by our immigration officials that their talents are needed here. At the same time, Canada continues to face a shortage of skilled workers.

The Night Shift is the story of Malik Khan a foreign trained professional who left his newlywed bride, his family and business to establish a better life in Canada. Malik is determined to achieve the Canadian dream. He’s even enrolled in a special five month course to help better market himself in Canada. Among Malik’s classmates are a number of Ph.D.’s who toil away in survival jobs instead of contributing to their own fields.

Canada’s economy loses between two to three billion dollars each year as a result of this hemorrhaging of talent. Will Malik fulfill his dream or will he become another depressing statistic? The Night Shift is a documentary film in three languages -English, Hindi and Urdu - and is produced, directed, written and edited by Jawad Jafry.

Broadcast Premiere of The Night Shift:

1. Night Shift (Urdu) airs on April 30th at 8-8:30 pm on OMNI-2

2. Night Shift (English) airs on May 28th at 7-7:30 pm on OMNI-2

3. Night Shift (Hindi) airs on June 18 at 8-8:30 pm on OMNI-2

About the Producer.
Jawad Jafry is the older son of SGP Jafry of Jafry Communications and He is a
graduate of Ryerson in Radio & TV. Jawad is involved in broadcasting when he
was five year old and He started broadcasting on Radio when he was 8 years old
(1973) and on TV when he was 16 (1981).

He is also the creator of Islamic Video Cartoon series for Children called
"Adam's World" very popular with Muslim Children all over Canada, USA, UK and
many other Countries.

For more information he can be reached home at 416-321-0047 And Mobile at

9:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A Class action is a collective lawsuit where the legal costs are shared by the claimants which make it unexpensive for each member. It will help no only to compensate the damage caused to many immigrants, but to help to FORCE A CHANGE in the immigration policy and to OBTAIN MORE EQUAL CONDITIONS in the job market.


The Canadian government persists in giving away millions of dollars to bureaucrats, subcontractors, and “non-profit” agencies that have only done one thing right; being government-friendly beneficiaries of this lavish cronyism.

The government’s lack of leadership is solved by keeping its thick bureaucracy happy - just to lessen the public outcry. And of course, by being nice to their close friends who plunder the treasury, declare bankruptcy, or otherwise benefit from rich government contracts that pay well.

But in terms of immigration policy, taxation and the economy, who pays for this lack of vision? The ones who bring billions of dollars, not only in cash, but also in skills to Canada; independent/skilled immigrants. The government is directly responsible of this multibillion dollar fiasco, and so it has to be accountable for the de-skilling process and decapitalization that each foreign professional suffers as soon as he arrives here.

Just think about it for a second… Aren’t skilled/independent immigrants entitled to be retroactively compensated for this mismanagement? For example, if you (as a family doctor) had worked in your field of expertise, you would have made x amount of money every year, wouldn’t you? But because you were working as a taxi driver, caregiver, or something similar, your income was significatively lower. And for the "privilege" of working in a Brown Collar Ghetto, you get to pay taxes, GST, PST, health care premiums etc. Just like the well off Canadians do here in Canada; except they can afford it, you can't.

At the same time the rest of your hard earned money has been feeding the Canadian economy because you buy products and services in the Canadian market and that creates directly and indirectly jobs for Canadians. How many job counsellors, landlords, business owners, and political parties have benefited from immigrants? And what do we get in return? Nothing.

We have to live in “bad” neighborhoods, not because we want to be in the midst of drug dealers, crowded, stinky, cockroach infested buildings, greasy spoon restaurants, liquor stores, pawn and pot shops, but because we can’t afford a house in a “good” neighborhood where many “Canadian professionals” live, where one can see trees, flowers, rivers instead.
Yes, we live in impoverished neighborhoods where we are condemned to remain silent, surrounded by marginalized Canadians with whom you can only talk about the weather because they never finished even basic schooling, or because they are on drugs, or simply for your own safety.

Maybe living in “good” neighborhoods doesn’t mean we are going to have interesting conversations with Canadian professionals, but at least we will have the chance to invite some educated people from other countries and guarantee them a minimum level of public safety.
Even the basics of food, and clothing are limited by our meager incomes. We have to buy our clothes in second hand stores or out of season, when they are on sale. We have to eat lots of industrialized food because the “organic” one is way more expensive. Look at who shops in fancy boutique grocery stores in trendy areas. Then look at who goes to the big box discount stores.

Many of the basic services are out of our reach: dentists, cars, car insurance, family vacations, cultural events, professional treatment by a family physician, good education for our kids.
Most of our kids go to schools where the grade 8 English teacher will be the Grade 9, 10, 11 English teacher. That same teacher will also teach Physical Education, give counseling, and if needed he teaches Social Studies too. Oh, don't forget how low the Canadian childcare services were rated by the OECD in 2004, nor how expensive postsecondary education is.

As you may see, we are paying way too much for the standard of living that this “strong” economy is giving us in return. And you know why? We, as foreign and visible minority professionals, along with our kids, have been marginalized from the mainstream society while this country shamelessly wastes our resources and compromises our kids’ future.

Therefore, if you think you deserve to be compensated for all the time you were unemployed or underemployed in Canada; we invite you to sign this letter by sending us a message with your name, surname, email address, profession, the province where you live in, and write "Professional Compensation" at the beginning of your message.

P.S. To all skilled immigrants who are about to leave this country, or those who have already left: You should be compensated too. Don't leave this country quietly and empty handed.

Canada Immigrant Job Issues

Labour discrimination is not only arousing righteous indignation, but it's also boosting the number of skilled immigrants looking for compensation.

* A Class action is a collective lawsuit where the legal costs are shared by the claimants which make it unexpensive for each member. It will help no only to compensate the damage caused to many immigrants, but to help to FORCE A CHANGE in the immigration policy and to OBTAIN MORE EQUAL CONDITIONS in the job market.


The class action will help to force the government to CHANGE THE IMMIGRATION POLICIES in order to bring to Canada the right number of immigrants with the right skills so they have real opportunities.

It will help to REDUCE THE USELESS CORRUPTED BUREAUCRACY and its useless "settlement programs", THAT COST BILLIONS, all paid by our hard earned tax-payer money.


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3:18 PM  

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