Saturday, July 02, 2005

Equality v. Morality

The House of Commons finally passed the same sex bill, meaning Lesbians and Homosexuals can now get married and be recognized as husband and wife just like a man and a woman.
The politicians claimed that this bill supports the right of the minorities under the charter. I say, that is bull shit! Our rights as minority in this country are consistently violated on a day to day basis at the work place, in public areas and the general treatment that we get from this lousy govt. and yet, they are saying that this bill is about Minority rights?
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Canadians continously bashes America and it's people as being arrogant, rude, etc. and yet Canada and its people seem to have forgotten that America is still better as we hold sacred religious issues like this.
It only shows that this Canadian society is slowly but surely going down the drain.
The moral issue don't mean much. Do we take that as part of the Canadian culture of being passive and understanding? So how and what do we tell our children when they see two women or men engaged in heavy necking in public places, that it is normal because they are part of the Canadian society and that these people only practices their right?

What happened to the rights of the Majority? And that is again one of the problem. The majority hands their voices to a group of individual they put into office to speak for them, often times speaking contrary to what the majority wants.

In the end, in a short time from now, Canada will become a haven for Homosexuals and lesbians and I won't be surprised if the govt. will vote in the future to change this country's name to Sodom and Gomorrah.

Shame on you Canada and your dirty, corrupt and inept politicians. You could have done more than just this if you truly value and respect the rights of the minorities in this country by focusing on Equality at the workplace, protection of the minorities and equal opportunity for all. Instead, the "White Power" thought that marriage between two men or women is more important than opening up this society and working to integrate and welcome the immigrants in.

Stop fooling us and using the charter as the main reason. We are more learned and educated than what most of you white people think. Our brain/thought process works like a super computer compared to yours that function as an Intel 3.

These politicians know that they will answer to HIM when the time comes and they know that they will all rot in hell.


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