The Time has Come
I have been looking and studying trends and facts about how to deal with the current Canadian system of discrimination and racism, and I have come to conclude that blogging, forums, live interviews etc.are good but they are not going to change things.
We all know that this govt. is very much aware of what is going on, but they haven't lifted a finger because they know that things will not change unless someone will be willing to stand up like a Mandela, A Luther King or a Cesar Chavez among the minorities of this country.
With that in mind, I am thinking about creating an organization called MAID ( since we are all treated like it, only this word pertains more to the female gender ) which stands for Minorities Against Inequalities and Discrimination.
This will be a pro active watch group whose goal mainly is to constantly prod the Govt. of the current wrong doings that minorities are encountering in their daily lives here in Canada. Demand action and changes constantly. I want this group to be recognized and be the voice of the minorities of all colors.
Groups like Greenpeace, MADD started as nothing and now they are recognized almost everywhere.
We have to bond together. As they say, there is strength in numbers.

And so, I call on you people out there. Are you willing to put your money where your mouth is?
If so, come and join me...This is a gargantuan task that I cannot do alone. I need people who wants change, who's got ideas, the desire, as this will entail alot of work. I need people who are willing to commit to this cause setting aside their own agenda and working with the group as part of a well oiled machine producing only positive results.
I will need publisher, a contributor, people good in communications and computers. People who are willing to stand on the street volunteering to distribute flyers about our agenda and what we are trying to achieve.
I will need people who are good at recruiting and explaining our goal to others. As we grow and get recognized, we of course will need more talents to help us.
So if you feel, that you have what it takes, the dedication, the desire and drive for a CHANGE, let me know how I can get in touch with you by leaving me a note here or at my e-mail addy at
More power to all!
We do not foster radical ideas in this site nor in the group that I am planning to form. The aim is to have a more effective dialogue with the govt. and educate people about racism and discrimination.
I believe that change is possible through proper communication and educating everyone about the harm and negative effect Racism and Discrimination has, if it is continously and openly practiced without a group to check or counter its effect in the society.
At the end of the day, we hope to see a change that would be beneficial to all minorities, Canadians and Canada itself.