Monday, June 25, 2007

Hello out there

Hello to all of you once again. Oh yes, am still here and for those of you wanting to read my blogs, please visit my other site here at blogsopot. It is titled Canada's Dirty Secret and it is under my e-mail address. I have been busy lately in preparation for going back to the States but am not stopping from my devotion, and that is, to expose all the ugliness and fraud of what Canada is all about.

I will see you all in my other blog.

" Dont Be A Slave in this day and Age, Fight Back"


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Yes, what you have written here are all truth. Question is how to remove this racism? System is for white and supports white, how to correct it? So many of us are victim by one or other way. Facts are real and even the top people who run this system they know that immigrants are facing all these problems but what at end? Do you think they want to correct it?I will say BIG NO...they want to continue it...what we need is SATYAGRAH ? The same phenomena that Gandhi used many years back...Does that will work in this time?...Million dollar question is that what is the strategy to correct these problems?

11:12 AM  

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