Monday, November 07, 2005

Watch Out Canada!

I just hope that all of Canada is closely following what is happening in France right now, and may that serve as a wake up call for this government to do something about the fate of most immigrants in this country.

The riots that started after two young kids died of electrocution while running away from arresting officers had slowly but surely started to creep and rage in most of France today.

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This could very well happen here. The immigrants are demanding equality and that is one of the major ingredients that is also missing here in Canada. Daily occurrence of systemic racism and discrimination is still and always been the norm. Just like in France today, wherein in some areas, almost 50% of the immigrants are unemployed, the same could be said of what is happening in Canada.

Immigrants are continously treated as second class citizens. Promotions and job opportunities are constantly denied to immigrants, even if they are highly qualified for the job.

The "white" Canadians still has this old mentality of protecting their own kind and using and treating immigrants after luring them here mostly as their servants.

If the government fails to ensure that equality and opportunity are accorded to every immigrant that come here, I can see just one incidence like that of what happened in France, and this country will suffer the same fate.

Wake up and be sensitive. We are not slaves, nor do we deserve to be treated as a second or third class citizen of this country. The fact is, we are more than qualified to do the job than most of you that sits in high position just because of your color, and most of all, we will not remain SILENT forever.

In the meantime, IMMIGRANTS, I call on you to rise up and fight this dirty system. Voice your opinion. Spread the ugly truth that is Canada, to your friends and relatives who are thinking of immigrating here.

Skilled immigrants should bear in mind, that this country needs us for their sustenance and economic growth more than we need them.

Some of the reasons we immigrate to other country is because we want a better life, free from oppression and inequality.

You are in Canada now and if it is no less than the country you came from, do something to change the system. We cannot go with the flow forever. Sometimes, we need to swim against the flow in order to achieve our goals and dreams.


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