Friday, October 21, 2005

Let's fight the Union in Canada

Okay, okay, so finally it is likely that the the lame duck govt. of Gordon Campbell has agreed in principle to the striking teacher's demand.

After 13 days of strike, victimizing children and parents as well, the two sides finally agreed in principle. Where have you been Vince Ready, that this whole mess had to take this long.

What has come out of this in my opinion is that, in the near future, there will be more strikes in the horizon, perhaps from the RCMP, the Firemen and other govt. employees as it clearly shows that all it takes is a mediator to make the govt. yield to the strikers demand.

It clearly shows that this govt. is toothless and lame. The worst part of it is that, after the two sides had agreed, CUPE another union had decided to walk out, rendering, libraries, garbage collection and in some areas of British Columbia, there was not even a bus service. The govt. has done nothing but label these actions as "Illegal" just as they did to the teachers.

The citizens again fell victim to these irresponsible actions. So when are you going to stand up and tell these Union leaders and the Govt. that you had enough of all this Bull Shit?

It is about time to stop patronizing Unions in Canada. What have they done for you lately anyways?
The TELUS strike, who suffered? The company never stop functioning while there were picket lines outside of their building.

And isn't it a form of discrimination that you cannot get hired in a company that is unionized without joining the union? What happened to your right to choose?

I think that unions are obsolete, that it is a thing of the past.

The general public always bear the brunt of all these irresponsible actions. We must take a stand. Stop patronizing Unions. Wake Up Canada, be sensitive and be AWARE!

This country cannot function effectively if it is under a constant threat from Unions of strikes and walk outs.

Such strategy are only seen in Third World Countries.


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