Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Community News - Why Ghulam Rasool, New Immigrant To Canada, Is Calling It Quits!

Community News - Why Ghulam Rasool, New Immigrant To Canada, Is Calling It Quits!

Caribbean Medical Schools - Online Guide - Offshore Medical Schools, Foreign Medical Schools, International Medical Schools

Caribbean Medical Schools - Online Guide - Offshore Medical Schools, Foreign Medical Schools, International Medical Schools

Paid to be Poor

Paid to be Poor

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Politics of it all

Today Ottawa announced a 75M funding to help foreign trained Doctors and nurses get into Canada's Health Care system.

The politics of it:
Hedy Fry an MP for Vancouver and one of the coordinator of the initiative said that many immigrants are underemployed or unemployed and are not filling jobs they were trained for. Fry said that immigrants entering the workforce face five main stumbling blocks namely,

* Having their credentials assessed and recognized and meeting Canadian requirements. ( What requirements, the EH requirements? )

*Language skills

*Lack of experience in the Canadian workforce. ( Duh! that is why they are called immigrants, and how do we gain experience if we are continuously being discriminated? )

*Lack of awareness among employers of the availability and importance of foreign trained workers. ( Am pretty sure they are aware, they just don't want to hire colored folks in the skilled area because it will expose their stupidity and dumbness)

*DISCRIMINATION ( Whoa! Finally someone had the guts to spill and admit it)

I honestly think, that Discrimination should have been on top of the list instead of being at the bottom as Fry mentioned.
Discrimination, arrogance and plain ignorance are the main cause why all these things are happening. Coupled with the fact, that there is no Labor Agency here like those of EDD in the US that oversees company hiring and firing practices, that is why most of these racist employers get away with murder most of the time.
The Human Rights Tribunal in BC is a big laugh. It is there just to show that there is an agency overseeing grievances but in reality it is as weak as a jelly fish.
If the govt. is really intent on changing the prevailing practice in this country, it should start by penalizing companies with stiff fines once found guilty instead of a slap on the wrist.

I feel so offended by these govt. Officials, as I can almost see them talking at the backdoor in Ottawa and calling us Immigrants with all kinds of names and expletives.
These people are once again at it, insulting our intellect with sugar coated initiative like this.
They can infuse initiative like this with billions of Canadian tax dollar, but as long as the issue of Discrimination is not being tackled, the end result will be the same. We will still be treated like thrash and good for nothing immigrants in this country.
Doctors and Nurses and other professionals should not listen to this crap.
Go down south, find your success in a country that appreciates your contribution and rewards you with a good life.

And by the clearly demonstrate how we as immigrants are being openly discriminated in this country, I am pasting a part of the Charter. Weigh it yourself as you read it, and think if you are accorded and treated according to their charter.

**Section 15(1) of the Charter provides that “[every] individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.” The Court explained that the general purpose of section 15(1) was to prevent the violation of essential human dignity and freedom through the imposition of disadvantage, stereotyping, or political or social prejudice, and to promote a society in which all persons enjoy equal recognition at law as human beings or as members of Canadian society, equally capable and equally deserving of concern, respect and consideration.**

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Have you noticed?

Have you noticed that at work, especially in British Columbia and most part of this country, the public work systems are composed of mostly " white" people?
Have you noticed that most flaggers are white?
Have you noticed that in public schools, most teachers and staff are white, while 85-90% of the students are colored?
Have you noticed that there are restaurants here in BC without a single minority employee in it?
Have you noticed that most low paying jobs have natives or immigrants as employees?
Have you noticed that most public transportation employees such as bus drivers and dock/ferry employees are white, while taxi cab drivers are mostly minorities?
Have you noticed that this kind of sorrounding/environment psychologically tell you that you are inferior to the "whites" of this country?
Have you noticed the shortage of skilled workers in this country, but in reality almost 85% of coming immigrants are skilled and professional workers in their homeland.
Have you noticed the inequality, the racism and discrimination?
Have you noticed that in your office/workplace, the management position usually ends up being run by whites?
Have you noticed that this so called " superior race" can't even spell correctly or knows almost nothing about world history?
Have you noticed that Dr.s' and nurses are constantly on trek to the United States of America that is why we have a shortage of them here?
Have you noticed that ICBC, a govt. Insurance company is also empowered to issue and revoke drivers licenses as well as hire off duty RCMP's to issue traffic violations. Contrary to its name and nature of business. Have you noticed the insult this govt. is doing to all of us with that practice and we choose to be mum about it?
Have you noticed the ever changing price of gasoline at the pump (aka price gouging) and we also choose to remain silent. Another insult to everyone's comprehension and intellect.
Have you noticed these things at all?

We brought these misfortune to ourselves. By being quiet, passive and enduring, we are continously abused and degraded on a day to day basis in this country.
It is not true that we as immigrants, do not want to be teachers, to be manhole inspectors or road pavers, thousands of Doctors, Nurses, Engineers, Accountant etc. have landed in this country but we are constantly discriminated whenever we apply for such positions and this govt. do not even blink an eye about it.
Clearly, there is no equality in this country, and that needs to be changed.
We cannot argue and cry everyday without doing anything. We have to work together as one in order to bring about a change.

Lastly, Provincial election is looming in our provinces. Please be active if you are already a citizen. Encourage minorities to run for position as mayors and councilmen and rally behind them. This is the first important step in bringing about changes.
I challenge each and everyone of you, fight for your RIGHTS and fight for the future of your kids in this country!

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Immigration Issues

Immigration Minister Volpe had announced a sweeping immigration changes in this country which includes foreign students being able to work while studying in this country, parents and grandparents being allowed to come here, the processing of citizenship to 12 months instead of the current almost 24 months and the recognition of credentials from Canadians and immigrants trained abroad.

My comments are these. If these are to be implented as it is, why is it that sons or daughters of immigrants are not allowed to come with them if they passed a certain age limit? This group, belongs to the workforce of this country, while parents and grandparents belongs to the immediate pensioners. Does it mean that they have more importance with regards to family reunification than the sons and daughters? Or does this country simply needs more nannies and care takers? Just like the US, the population of this country is rapidly approaching retirement age, and to put an age barrier or limit to sons and daughters of immigrants, does not justify this move to accept parents and grandparents to this country.
I have nothing against this issue. In fact, I welcome it, but the package is simply not complete. The govt. seems to have disregarded the fact that to parents, their kids have more weight or importance than their parents or grand parents.

Another thing worth taking note is the fact that the govt. announced that they will now recognize credentials from Canadians abroad as well as immigrants. Seems to be a very good idea. However, isn't this also tantamount to admitting that for those thousands and thousands of immigrants that have landed in this country earlier, that they have been discriminated because their "skills" were not recognized by this govt.?
In reality, this govt. actually gave its blessing to employers to discriminate against immigrants in their hiring practices.
This site will be watching these changes constantly and will continue to prod this govt. for all these wrongdoings that is happening in this society.
Immigrants cannot and should not be appeased by a small token of recognition or change. If the govt. is serious, it should implement a thorough revamp and implementation of its policy nationwide.

Friday, April 15, 2005

Boycott Canadian Companies/Products

I call on all immigrants who will pass this way to join us in boycotting Canadian companies, their goods and products.
We as Immigrants are trying to make a statement that we will not tolerate being discriminated in this country.
We want change, equality, justice and opportunity for all. Our kids need not grow up under this kind of atmosphere. Let us join hands and make Ottawa hear our voices on this crusade today!

The Plight of Immigrants in Canada

Oh well, thousands of skilled Immigrants had come to Canada on a false belief that this country is a country with so much opportunity. The truth of the matter is, this country's people perfectly represents the kind of climate it has, COLD and unforgiving.
Most skilled immigrants in this country ends up accepting menial jobs to survive. Canada never tells prospective immigrants what the reality is here. They proud themselves on UN report as one of the best countries in the world to live, that is, if you got millions of dollars when you come here. Skilled immigrants are not given a fair chance to advance especially if you are employed in a "white" majority company. The govt. encourages you to go to school, borrow money and then you'll end up paying for that loan the rest of your life. Diplomas, certificate don't mean a thing if you don't have a Canadiam accent, or if you are not white.
There is this atmosphere of superiority among the whites in this country reminiscent of the Apartheid years in South Africa.
This country had always been a springboard for people who wants to settle in the US.
If this kind of prevailing atmosphere is continously tolerated, more and more immigrants will be deceived and duped to come to a country that has actually nothing to offer othen than misery and frustration.